Monday, September 03, 2007

Going International

It probably has something to do with the fact that I released MoneyWell on a US holiday (Labor Day Weekend), but I am shocked at how many prospects and customers have come from overseas. Many of them wanted me to localize the date and currency information in MoneyWell (localizing is designing the program so it knows how to display dates and numbers using the local rules).

So to satisfy my international clientele, I have released MoneyWell 1.0.1 (38). It has the requested localization and fixes bugs found in QIF imports as well as a few other changes.

There has been negative and positive feedback, but the positive stuff has been so great I'm hardly affected by the negatives (I only briefly pouted, then I got back to coding). Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to tell me about bugs and compliment my efforts.

This cycle seems to be typical for me. I get a release out and have to push out a patch soon after. Now that I'm past that required act, I'm back to the website tutorials. Part of me is exhausted from the long hours, but this is so much fun that I can't wait to do more! I feel like I'm living a Tony Robbins success story!

And this is only the beginning. How freakin' cool is that?!?!
